
Love Exposure


Cast: , , ,

Having grown up in a devout Christian family, Yu (Takahiro Nishijima) has always been a well-behaved kid. After his mother dies, his priest father is seduced by a woman who breaks his heart, causing him to torment Yu by forcing him to confess his sins on a daily basis. Of course, being a fairly normal kid, Yu has no legitimate sins to confess. To appease his increasingly demanding father, Yu is determined to become a true sinner, eventually training to become an expert at sneak upskirt photography. Pornography being the one sin no priest can overlook, Yu gets the attention he s been so desperately seeking from his dad. One day while hanging out with his fellow sinner pals but dressed like Sasori as punishment for being on the losing end of a bet Yu meets a beautiful girl named Yoko (Hikari Mitsushima). Their first meeting is a glorious one, beginning with an all-out street brawl and ending with a kiss. There are only two problems: she thinks he s a woman and a devious cult leader named Aya (Sakura Ando) is carefully manipulating both of their lives.

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TWFBD006 | Released: 13 Aug 2012

New high definition transfer supervised by Sion Sono
1 Hour Long Making of
30 minute additional Making Of including interviews with Sion Sono & the person whom the film is based on
Sakura Ando deleted & extended scenes
Hikari Mitsushima deleted & extended scenes
Zero Church deleted speech
Theatrical Trailer

Planet of Entertainment Amazon HMV Terracotta


TWF019 | OUT OF PRINT | Released: 25 Jan. 2010

1 hour long ‘Making Of’, trailer and trailers of other Third Window titles